Mar 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Offenses and Sanctions


Some of the following offenses will be considered and submitted for disciplinary action by the School authorities:

  1. Violation of professional conduct, such as plagiarism, cheating, ect.
  2. Violation to federal and state law in the School premises.
  3. Misuse, damage or destruction of School property.
  4. Illegal appropriation of School property.
  5. Failure to comply with School policies and regulations.
  6. Any intent or act to threaten, intimidate, interfere with fellow students and/or employees.
  7. Any intent or sexual harassment against fellow students, employee, and/ or visitor within the premises of Ponce Health Sciences University.
  8. Carelessness in the operation or use of equipment which will risk his own personal safety or that of other person.
  9. Originate or spread false rumors or statements affecting the image of the School or any of its components.
  10. Any discriminatory practices based upon sex, race, color, national origin, age, marital status, political affiliation, disability, violation of privacy rights, student abuse, or mistreatment.
  11. Contribute to or facilitate unsanitary conditions or poor housekeeping in the School.
  12. Failure to observe study/work attendance regulations constantly such as:
    1. Being late or absent from academic activities without a reasonable excuse or authorization.
    2. Leaving the place of study/duty during didactical activities/working hours without authorization or excuse.
    3. Reporting to study/work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  13. Failure to observe parking regulations on the school lots.
  14. Failure to observe the “No smoking” Policy in Ponce Health Sciences University.
  15. Possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs, as well as the abuse of alcohol in the school premises will be considered a grave personal misconduct and a cause of recommendation for dismissal.


Any offense or violation to the School policies or regulations will be subjected to sanctions. These sanctions include, but are not limited to:

  1. Warning
  2. Verbal admonition/reprimand
  3. Written admonition/reprimand
  4. Placement of letter with finding of violation as charged:
    Ordinarily, if the finding of violation as charged is made, the finding and sanctions will be included in the formal academic file. Any findings in the permanent file shall be included in any future reports(s) concerning the student, unless specified otherwise by the Committee. Alternatively, the Committee could recommend that the findings and sanctions be included in an impermanent file, which is maintained by the Student Affairs Office or Human Resource Office
  5. Mandatory participation and successful completion of a counseling or rehabilitation program.
  6. Suspension for a Definite Time: Exclusion from classes and other activities with forfeiture of academic credit, as set forth in the notice of suspension, for a definite time beginning immediately. Sanction for cheating shall ordinarily include a recommended failure in the course involved with authorized withdrawal in other concurrent courses, regardless of the time in the school year when the offense is committed. If the suspension is for more than one term, the suspension shall begin immediately and shall be served in consecutive terms.
  7. Indefinite Suspension: Termination of student status, subject only to formal readmission, with no right to petition for readmission before the expiration of a calendar year from the date of suspension.
  8. Probation
  9. Expulsion: Permanent dismissal from Ponce Health Sciences University.