Students are representatives of our University and must maintain an appearance that demonstrates respect and meets professional standards. For all didactic, simulated (i.e. those that involve standardized patients), and real clinical learning activities, all students must follow the dress code developed by the student body as follows:
Classrooms Dress Code
- Students must wear a PHSU ID badge at all times, visibly, above the waist, identifying them as PHSU Students.
- All clothing must be neat and clean. Unacceptable attire or accessories may be offensive. Examples of unacceptable attire include sheer garments, tank tops, shorts, short skirts, low or deep necklines, items designed to be worn as undergarments, and garments such as leggings and spandex pants designed to be worn as athletic wear.
- The following attire conditions are unacceptable: soiled, torn, or frayed garments, apparel with words or pictures unrelated to the professional environment, including apparel with words or pictures of discriminatory or offensive nature.
- Headgear, except required by religious belief, and headphones, are not acceptable.
- Good personal hygiene is expected. Body odor or smoke odor should not be detectable.
- Jeans, shoes (including athletic shoes) and clean shirts (including T-shirts) are permissible. Bermuda or other shorts are also allowed in the classroom setting, must be no shorter than 5 cm above the knee.
Labs Dress Code (Inside Campus)
- Students must wear a PHSU ID badge at all times, visibly, above the waist, identifying them as PHSU Students.
- All clothing must be neat and clean. Unacceptable attire or accessories may be offensive. Examples of unacceptable attire include sheer garments, tank tops, shorts, short skirts, low or deep necklines, items designed to be worn as undergarments, and garments such as leggings and spandex pants designed to be worn as athletic wear.
- The following attire conditions are unacceptable: soiled, torn, or frayed garments, apparel with words or pictures unrelated to the professional environment, including apparel with words or pictures of discriminatory or offensive nature.
- Headgear, except required by religious belief, and headphones, are not acceptable.
- Good personal hygiene is expected. Body odor or smoke odor should not be detectable.
- Jeans, shoes (including athletic shoes) and clean shirts (including T-shirts) are permissible. Bermuda or other shorts are also allowed in the classroom setting, must be no shorter than 5 cm above the knee.
- Guidelines towards artificial nail enhancements and nail polish may be determined by the laboratory site. Chipped nail polish is unacceptable since it increases the risk of transmitting microorganisms. Natural nails kept short (i.e. not past the tip of the finger) are strongly encouraged.
- Hair and facial hair must be clean, dry, and controlled so as not to interfere with patient contact. For example, students with long hair may wish to tie hair back so it does not fall onto or brush against patients during a lab practice.
Clinical/Practicum/Standardized Patients Sites Dress Code
- Students must wear a PHSU ID badge at all times, visibly, above the waist, identifying them as PHSU Students.
- White coats should be worn and PHSU ID must remain visible during all clinical and patient-related activities.
- All clothing must be neat and clean. Unacceptable attire or accessories may be offensive to our patients and standardized patients. Examples of unacceptable attire include sheer garments, tank tops, shorts, short skirts, low or deep necklines, items designed to be worn as undergarments, and garments such as leggings and spandex pants designed to be worn as athletic wear.
- The following attire conditions are unacceptable: soiled, torn, or frayed garments, apparel with words or pictures unrelated to the professional environment, including apparel with words or pictures of discriminatory or offensive nature.
- Shoes must be safe, clean, closed-toe, and appropriate for the clinical setting. Remember that open-toe shoes increase the risk of sharps or substances dropping on your feet.
- Sandals and bare feet are unacceptable at clinical sites.
- Moderation in jewelry and fragrances is encouraged during patient encounters.
- Headgear, except required by religious belief, and headphones, are not acceptable.
- Good personal hygiene is expected. Body odor or smoke odor should not be detectable.
- Guidelines towards artificial nail enhancements and nail polish may be determined by the clinical site, surgical environment, and standardized patient settings. Chipped nail polish is unacceptable since it increases the risk of transmitting microorganisms. Natural nails kept short (i.e. not past the tip of the finger) are strongly encouraged.
- Hair and facial hair must be clean, dry, and controlled so as not to interfere with patient contact. For example, students with long hair may wish to tie hair back so it does not fall onto or brush against patients during a physical exam.
Live Online/ Remote Classroom Dress Codez
The classroom behavior and dress code also apply to remote or online formats.
Please note: You may encounter variations in customs and expectations in different clinical settings. Observe other professionals’ dress and ask your supervisor or clinical coordinator if you are unsure of what is appropriate. Students must comply with the PHSU Dress Code and the Practicum or Clinical Sites Dress Code. Students who participate in multiple scenarios (classroom, lab, and clinical) during the same day must follow the stricter scenario code to avoid policy offenses.