School of Medicine Policy Manual
Class Ranking Policy
Implementation Date/ Effective Date
AY 2020-2021/
Class MD2021
Last Reviewed/Update
September 30, 2019
Approved by
SOM Executive Policy Committee
Initially Approved
September 30, 2019
The purpose of this policy is to establish clear guidelines on how to consider the medical student grades in remedial courses for calculating student ranking.
When a student is retaking a course that previously failed (repeating a course during summer or the regular academic year or part of the year) and passes the course, the numerical score used to determine class rank will be 70%, the minimum passing grade for the course. The Registrar’s Office will use this procedure to rank the medical students. The Registrar’s Office will provide the class rank to the PHSU officials, as requested, for the following purposes: Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE), determination of academic graduation honors, Alpha-Omega-Alpha nomination, scholarships selection committees, or other legitimate purpose.
The student’s academic transcript will record all the grades of the courses the students have taken for the first time and the grades of the courses the students have repeated, as reported by the professors to the Registrar, thus the minimum passing grade for the course will only be used for ranking purposes.
*Medical students accepted on transfer from other institutions will not be ranked.
**This policy will be effective for class MD2021, the academic year 2020- 2021.