School of Medicine Policy Manual
This policy is tied to LCME Element 12.8
Implementation Date/ Effective Date
January 17, 2024
Last Reviewed/Update
January 17, 2024
Approved by
Executive and Policy Committee
Initially Approved
January 17, 2024
This policy is intended to describe the process when a student is identified with a condition under which there should be limited or no patient contact until the student is well. In the case of a chronic blood- borne illness, it describes the process that should be followed for the protection of the patient and student. It requires confidential reporting of certain conditions to the Office of the Vice-President for Student Affairs to allow for proper steps to be taken. It attempts to balance protection of the patient and the rights of the student to continue their education when possible.
This policy complements the infectious diseases and environmental hazards policy.
This policy is intended for all students enrolled at the PHSU-SOM.
If a medical student contracts an infectious and/or environmental disease or disability after matriculation, whether or not it is a direct result of their training, the medical school will assist the student in completing their MD requirements, as long as the student is able to still meet the technical standards as outlined in the technical standards policy. The School of Medicine will work with the affected students to provide reasonable accommodation where needed. Accommodation is not considered reasonable if it alters the fundamental nature or requirements of the educational program, imposes an undue hardship, or fails to eliminate or substantially reduce a direct threat to the health or safety of others. Students will be excused from all learning activities to address the potential risks or effects of such infections, environmental disease, or disability.
In certain situations, students with communicable diseases or conditions may not be allowed to have patient contact. This restriction may be necessary to protect the health and safety of both patients and coworkers. Individuals with the following medical conditions will not be allowed to have patient contact without a medical clearance:
- Active chickenpox, measles, rubella, herpes zoster (shingles), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
- Oral herpes with draining lesions
- Group A streptococcal disease (i.e., strep throat) until 24 hours of treatment received.
- Diarrhea lasting over three days or accompanied by fever or bloody stools.
- Draining or infected skin lesions
- Conjunctivitis
- Influenza
- COVID-19
- Others infectious diseases that may emerge and/or that are deemed contagious through respiratory, skin, and or oral-fecal contact.
Medical students infected with HCV, HBV, or HIV have a professional responsibility to report their serostatus to the Student Health Service Office Coordinator (School’s Nurse) at the Office of the VP for Student Affairs. Confidentiality will be maintained pursuant to state and federal laws. Faculty who are providing modifications in the student’s educational program will be informed that the individual has a blood-borne infectious disease but will not be notified of the particular disease. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, no qualified student (see the Technical Standards Policy) will be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of, any program or activity operated by the PHSU-SOM because of disability.
If a student anticipates or experiences physical or academic barriers based on the effects of infectious and/or environmental disease or disability on medical student learning activities, it is the responsibility of the student to make their disability status and subsequent need for an accommodation known. The student should be directed to contact the Associate Dean for Students Affairs of the School of Medicine and the VP of Student Affairs. In that case the request for accommodation will be addressed by the institutional reasonable accommodation policy and the corresponding committee.
All registered medical students (including visiting students) are informed of this policy.