Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2026 Academic Catalog 
2023-2026 Academic Catalog

Cross Registration

Upon the approval of the Program Directors, students enrolled in a Program will take courses from another graduate Program at PHSU. The courses taken from the other Program must not be offered in his/her Program.

A maximum of credit hours for cross registration is determined by the Program Director based on the maximum free elective courses in his/her Program’s curriculum or pre-requisites established for the program which are allowed to complete through cross registration.

The student must be a regular student in his/her Program and in satisfactory academic progress to be able to benefit from cross registration. If the student is a new entrance student completing pre-requisites a regular admission with conditions student status is allowed.

The process to be followed is:

  1. Student must submit a written request to his/her Program Director of his/her intention with evidence of his/her status as regular student and satisfactory academic progress. New entrance students will only submit a written request to the Program Director.
  2. His/her Program Director will consult with the other Program Director to receive authorization.
  3. The primary Program Director will submit a written request to the Vice President for Academic Affairs or its designee for approval or disapproval. If it is approved, a copy of the approval will be sent to the Registrar’s and Financial Aid Office. The admissions office will also receive a copy for new entrance student’s cases.

The Program Director will inform the student of the decision.