Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2026 Academic Catalog 
2023-2026 Academic Catalog

Admissions Information

Applicants to Ponce Health Sciences University are selected on the basis of scholastic achievement, fitness, and aptitude for the study and other personal qualifications. The Admissions Committees also give consideration to the use of language, special aptitudes, mechanical skills, stamina, perseverance, and motivation. Students are admitted on the basis of individual qualifications, regardless of disability, sex, race, religion, age, national origin, marital status, neither sexual nor political orientation.

PHSU Admissions Office and the Admissions Committees act in accordance with “Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990” which includes changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, which became effective on January 1, 2009. Once the candidate is accepted, if he/she needs special accommodations, he/she is responsible to contact the Academic Affairs Office for further information. It is the student’s responsibility to make his/her condition known to PHSU Administrators and to seek out assistance.

Applicants with disabilities will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the technical standard guidelines of the program. All students must possess the physical and emotional capabilities required to independently undertake the full curriculum and to achieve the levels of competence required by the faculty. For the full accommodations policy, please see page 25.

For admission standards and criteria specific to particular graduate programs or schools, please refer to the sections of this catalog that describe those programs specifically.


Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) students dismissed from a program for academic reasons will not be readmitted to that program. No student will be allowed readmission to any program after dismissal for disciplinary reasons.

A readmission is defined as a candidate who previously attended PHSU, withdrew and requested admission to the same or another program after one year of inactivity.

Candidates with a withdrawal status returning to the same program inactive for less than a year will be considered re-entries.

PHSU will consider for readmission students who voluntarily withdrew from the program for medical or personal reasons and were in good standing for Satisfactory Academic Progress at the time of the withdrawal. Administrative withdrawals may be considered for readmission on a case-by-case evaluation basis if the administrative withdrawal does not respond to a dismissal.

The application for readmission will be submitted to the Admissions Office, readmission applicants must meet all requirements at the time of application for readmission.

Those students who were inactive less than a year will submit the re-entry application in the Registrar’s Office and must meet all the requirements at the time of application.

Readmissions and re-entry applications will be evaluated by a Readmissions Ad Hoc Committee composed of the Academic Department Dean or its delegate, the Dean of Enrollment Managment and Student Services or its delegate and representation from the student services offices.

After evaluation of readmissions by the Committee, the candidates may be:

  • Denied re-admission
  • Admitted and one of the following:
    • Required to re-enter the first-year class
    • Required to repeat incomplete (I) courses
    • Allowed full credit of work successfully completed
    • Transfer some credits to a different program
    • Other considerations.

A student readmitted to any program must abide by the curricular requirements and the rules and regulations in effect at the time of readmission.

Re-entry applicants who comply with basic requirements will be evaluated by the Committee and receive one of the following determinations:

  • Denied re-entry
  • Authorized re-entry and one of the following:
    • Required to complete (I) courses
    • Allowed full credit of work successfully completed
    • Other considerations