Ponce Health Sciences University understands the importance of the continuous assessment of policies and procedures, not only to guarantee compliance with local, state, and federal agencies but also to stay current in best practices related to the delivery of education.
As part of the institutional assessment process, groups of faculty, students, and other members of our community have discussed the pros and cons of a flexible attendance policy. The consensus is that the benefits of becoming an Institution not required to take attendance are multiple and can offer opportunities for improvement in the delivery of education, administration of resources, and compliance.
Therefore, PHSU has determined to operate as a Non-Required Attendance Taking Institution starting in the Fall Term of the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Legal Basis
Ponce Health Sciences University Administrative Committee, in compliance with the provisions of 34 CFR 668.22 (b) and following the guidelines of the Federal Department of Education, has determined to become an Institution not required to take attendance.
This policy applies to all actively enrolled students and students who enroll after July 31, 2023, at Ponce Health Sciences University.
Institutions have the authority to determine the attendance policy to be followed to guarantee the efficient administration of resources and the quality of the delivery of the education they provide.
A school only is required to take attendance if:
- the school is required to take attendance by an outside entity (such as the school’s accrediting agency or a state agency) that has a requirement that the school take attendance,
- the school itself has a requirement that its instructors take attendance,
- or the school or an outside entity has a requirement that can only be met by taking attendance or a comparable process, including but not limited to requiring that students in a program demonstrate attendance in the classes of that program or a portion of that program.
PHSU has determined to comply with existing regulations by adopting a non-required attendance taking policy based on the following:
- The Puerto Rico State Licensing Agency and/or the institutional accrediting agency doesn’t have a requirement to take attendance.
- The institution itself does not have a requirement that its instructors take attendance.
- A requirement that a student self-certify attendance directly to an outside entity does not require the school to take attendance.
Ponce Health Sciences University does not require mandatory attendance to class sessions. Attendance is defined as participation in academic activities registered by the instructor. PHSU has determined the following as recognized academic activities:
- Assessment o Exams
- Standardized testing (USMLE Step I & II), NBME, etc.
- Comprehensive exams (e.g., CPX, CQX)
- Quizzes
- Essays
- Assignments
- Dissertations
- Standardized Patient Activities
- Problem-Based Learning Activities (PBL)
- Small Group Discussions (SGD)
- Presentations
- Rotations
- Practicums
- Laboratories
- Logging into the learning management system (LMS) platform (e.g., CANVAS, Moodle) and completing tasks including, but not limited to, comments in forums and discussion panels, watching a video, and uploading an assignment.
- The Institution reserves the right to add any other academic activity to this list if necessary and inform the students accordingly.
No Show Determination
To determine the status of students, and to comply with reporting for local, state, and federal agencies, PHSU will conduct a “No Show” determination process at the end of the add-drop period of each term. This process will entail a census to certify the official list of enrolled students for the corresponding term.
The first census date is based on the Pell Recalculation Date (PRD is the date that determines the cohort for Pell disbursements without considering changes in academic load for recalculating disbursements after the census date). PHSU declares the Pell Recalculation Date as the second week of instruction after the first date of the term of Period of Enrollment (POE).
Concurrently, the PRD coincides with the period to add and withdraw classes without financial or academic penalty. This cohort date also serves as the last date for the faculty to report no-show students for their classes after the beginning of the term.
Non-Passing Grades, Official Withdrawals, and Non-Official Withdrawals
Upon completion of the term and presentation of class grades, the Registrar will identify all students that received no passing grades and official and non-official withdrawals in all classes registered for the period of enrollment.
A non-passing grade is defined: as an F / FW / NP grade or a W (official withdrawal) or AW (administrative withdrawal) in all courses attended in the period of enrollment.
Passing Grade Definition: Any grade of D, C, B, or A as well, a Pass Grade (P) is a passing grade. for the purposes of analysis for withdrawal and R2T4.
Instructors need to identify if the F given to the student is an earned grade due to noncompliance with the academic rigor of the course or if the grade was extended for the reason of ceasing attendance.
The instructor must use the grade FW to identify any F’s, or No Pass grades given to students due to ceasing attendance. In such cases the FW should be accompanied by the date that reflects the student’s last date of interaction in class with the faculty or at an academic-related activity, such as but not limited to, taking a quiz, exam, or project presentation.
Only the Institutional Administrative Committee can amend this policy. The amendments must be in writing and documented with reason and purpose.
Validity and Repeal
This policy will be effective immediately on the date of its signature by the Chair of the Institutional Administrative Committee.
If this policy repeals a previously established policy, its effect will be prospective on the date of its signature. The policy will remain in effect until it is repealed unless it is established for a fixed period of validity.