Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) has revised the policy for the assignment of credit hours for existing and new academic programs and coursework to comply with the credit hour definition as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) to those institutions that receive Title IV funds from the US Department of Education.
At PHSU students will gain one credit hour for each 15 hours of scheduled class or faculty instruction. Every hour of required activity is considered a contact hour, including lecture, small group discussion and laboratory time.
In the Medicine Program the clinical clerkship rotation should not exceed 10 hours daily for a minimum of 50 hours a week. Students will gain 5 credits for each 4 week- rotation equivalent to a minimum of 200 hours. Eight- week rotations will be assigned 10 credits. Medicine students pay a fixed registration fee for each academic year.
The assignment of credit hours for practicum and internship courses in the Clinical Psychology and Public Health Programs must conform to the commonly accepted practices for such programs in institutions of higher learning.
Established and new courses should be reviewed by the corresponding curriculum committees for compliance and implementation of this policy.
The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs will oversee the compliance of the credit hours’ policy described herein.