Legal Basis
This policy is designed to establish the criteria for awarding and removing an incomplete grade to comply with regulations for the administration of Title IV funds.
This policy establishes the rules and processes to award and remove incomplete grades.
Incomplete grades impact the calculation of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP is one of the eligibility requirements for Title IV. Ensuring a robust incomplete grade policy will allow healthy management of Title IV funding.
Students with satisfactory work in a course but who, due to extenuating circumstances, cannot complete the required coursework during the session may, as approved by the professor, receive a grade of “I” (Incomplete) together with provisional letter grade or score indicating the level of performance on the work completed to date and the work due to be completed.
Acceptable reasons to be considered by the professor for awarding grades of “I” include, but are not limited to, serious illness, accidents or hospitalization of the student, their dependents, spouse or significant other, natural disasters, military mobilization, or a court-ordered appearance. Any other hardship circumstances must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the St. Louis Campus.
Written proof of evidence is required in all cases except for natural disasters. An Incomplete must be removed by the incomplete removal date of the following academic session. The student must request the professor to remove the incomplete. The professor completes the process by submitting the Change of Grade Form and submitting it to the Registrar’s Office. In this case, the change of grade will be submitted by the professor on or before the date for incomplete grade removal. Grades of Incomplete that fail to be removed by this date will be automatically assigned the provisional grade granted when the Incomplete was approved. The student will view the final grade through My Campus.
Under no circumstances will an incomplete grade be awarded for remedial purposes, or for reasons not specified in this section or expressly approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Curriculum/ Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Each grade of “I” must be removed during the academic session following its receipt. After this term has elapsed, the letter grade accompanying the provisional “I” will automatically become the final grade if the course requirements have not been fulfilled.
It is the student’s responsibility to monitor that the grade change has been made. There will be an administrative fee (as established by the administration and approved by the Board) for removing each “I” grade. The student will be responsible for the payment of the fee.
Incomplete grades will not be considered for the grade point average (G.P.A.) during any session in which an “I” is obtained but will be after the term mentioned for removing the Incomplete has expired.
Any extension of an Incomplete must be requested to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/ Associate Dean of Academic Affairs by the student in writing with the supporting documentation included. The Vice President for Academic Affairs/ Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, as its sole discretion, may or may not approve it.
The Institutional Administrative Committee can amend this policy. The amendments must be in writing and documented with reason and purpose.
Validity and Repeal
This policy will be effective immediately on the date of its signature.
If this policy repeals a previously established policy, its effect will be prospective on the date of its signature. The policy will remain in effect until it is repealed unless it is established for a fixed validity period.