Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2026 Academic Catalog 
2023-2026 Academic Catalog

Guidelines for Students Promotion

The faculty of Ponce Health Sciences University has the responsibility to assure that students perform in a manner consistent with the appropriate standards of scholarship and professional behavior. Students who do not meet these standards will be dismissed from PHSU, but they will be evaluated fairly and consistently.

Decisions affecting student status is delegated by the President to the Student Promotions Committee (SPC).

The SPC meets quarterly to evaluate students with problems and holds annual meetings at the end of the school year, to recommend promotion to the next succeeding year and to recommend students for graduation and honors.

Students not performing satisfactorily will:

  1. Be notified in writing by the appropriate course director of their substandard performance and will be asked to schedule a meeting to develop a means of dealing with the problem.
  2. Receive communications from the Promotions Committee in the form of:
    1. Letter of Academic Concern - Sources of help for the student will be indicated.
    2. Letter of Academic Warning - This will result from interim “F” in two or more courses. This letter will indicate that continued performance at that level could lead to the student being placed on Academic Probation and will urge the student to seek extra help and counseling.
    3. Letter of Academic Probation - This will be based upon a final grade of “F” in one or more courses. A student receiving a final grade of “F” in a single course must be re-examined in that course before promotion. The letter will indicate that promotion to the next academic year can only occur after remediation of the deficiency. Remediation will be through a mechanism acceptable to the department chairperson and will be given only once, prior to the start of the next academic year. This shall take precedence over any other summer plans a student will have made. A student receiving two or more final “F’s” will be considered for either repetition of the entire year or dismissal.

The Promotions Committee shall also consider reports relating to attitude, integrity, and ethical conduct. Based on such reports, the committee will issue a letter of concern or a letter of warning; determine that the student be placed on non-academic probation; or recommend to the corresponding dean or the dean’s designee that the case be investigated and considered for possible disciplinary action, which will include dismissal.

The same process will be followed in accordance with Due Process in cases of unacceptable attitudes or behavior. Departmental faculty will document the facts and the Department Director will refer them to the Promotions Committee. If the decision is to dismiss the student, the student has the right to enter the appeal process.