This policy applies to administration and faculty in all programs of Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU).
The decision to close a degree or certificate program requires substantial planning and careful consultation with all those affected. Every effort should be made to inform everyone affected as fully as possible about the conditions leading to a decision of such importance and all available information should be shared. As the immediate interests of current students and faculty are most directly affected, their present and prospects require sensitive and timely attention and involvement. The university teach-out policy aims to protect the interests of students and faculty and to satisfy the requirements established for the University by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and the Oficina de Registro y Licenciamiento de Instituciones de Educación (ORLIE) during this process.
In accordance with Federal regulations, the University is required to submit a teach-out plan to MSCHE and CEPR for approval if any of the following occurs:
- The institution notifies MSCHE and ORLIE that it intends to cease operation entirely.
- MSCHE or ORLIE terminates accreditation or the candidacy of an institution.
- The USDE notifies either MSCHE or ORLIE that it has initiated an emergency action against the institution or an action to limit, suspend, or terminate an institution participating in any Title IV, Higher Education Act program.
- A State Licensing or authorizing agency notifies either MSCHE or ORLIE that an institution license or legal authorization to provide an educational program has been or will be revoked.
More specifically, if the University decides to close an educational program, or the entire institution, one of the following options must be followed:
- Execute a Teach-Out Plan. The teach-out option occurs when the institution “teaches-out” currently enrolled students; no longer permanently admits students to programs; and terminates the educational program or the operations of an institution.
- Develop and implement a Teach-Out Agreement. The teach-out agreement option occurs when the institution enters a contract with another institution or organization to teach out the educational programs or program.
Both teach-out plans and teach-out agreements must include the following information:
- Dates of termination and closure.
- An explanation of how affected parties (students, faculty, staff) will be informed of the impending closure.
- An explanation of how students will be helped to complete their program of study with minimal disruption or additional expense.
- How faculty and staff will be redeployed or helped to find new employment; and
- If closing an institution: signed copies of teach-out agreements with other institutions, if any; and arrangement for the storing of student records, disposition of final financial resources and other assets.
The teach-out plan addresses graduate students as well as prospective and currently enrolled students. The teach-out period and teach-out plan will vary by academic department and/or program and must be determined and approved in advance at all required levels, as specified under Responsibilities below.
- Degree Program. A degree program is an organized curriculum leading to a degree in an area of study recognized as an academic discipline by the higher education community, as demonstrated by assignment of a Classification in Instructional Programs (CIP) code by the National Center for Educational Statistics or as demonstrated by the existence of similar degree programs at other colleges and universities.
- Certificate Program. A certificate program is a coherent course of study leading to the awarding of a credential. A college credit certificate is not intended as a degree, but as a supplement to a student’s specific educational goals or professional career preparation. Completion of a college credit certificate generally is related to a specific field and usually associated with a limited set of occupations.
- Educational Program. A degree program or college credit certificate program.
- Date of program termination. The date on which the educational program is closed permanently to admission.
- Date of program closure. The date on which the last student in teach-out has completed the educational program.
- Notification. A letter from an institution’s chief executive officer, or his/her designated representative, to MSCHE or ORLIE summarizing a proposed change, providing the intended implementation date. The policy and procedures for reporting and reviewing of institutional substantive change are outlined in the document Substantive Change: Institutional Closure or Institutional Status Requiring a Teach-out Plan.
- Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO). The individual at the institution who is responsible for ensuring the timely submission of annual institutional profiles and other reports as requested by either MSCHE or ORLIE in the years between accreditations. With the VP or Academic Affairs, the Accreditation Liaison Officer is responsible for the accuracy of all information submitted to either MSCHE or ORLIE and for ensuring ongoing compliance with standards, policies, and procedures beyond reaffirmation. During the Reaffirmation Cycle, the Liaison serves on the Self-Study Teams and oversees all staffing aspects of the Reaffirmation process.
- Teach-Out Plan. The written plan and subsequent process by which the University provides institutional and academic support services to students enrolled in an educational program that has been discontinued. The teach-out process often extends well beyond the termination date (the date on which the site or program is closed permanently to admissions) to allow time for enrolled students to complete their program in a reasonable amount of time. The plan must provide for the equitable treatment of students in an institution.
- Teach-Out Agreement. A written agreement between accredited institutions that provides for the equitable treatment of students if one of those institutions stops offering an educational program before all students enrolled in that program complete the program.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs, the relevant Dean (and relevant Department Chair) whose scope of authority involves an educational program being considered for termination shall inform and involved affected faculty and staff at the earliest possible stage of consideration. Once the decision to pursue closure of an educational program has been made, the relevant Dean shall forward a proposal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The proposal should be developed with the involvement of faculty and students as possible and should outline the:
- Nature of the program,
- Reason for termination,
- Number of students currently enrolled,
- Progression statistics of students in the program,
- Resources used to offer the program,
- Financial savings, if any, realized from the termination,
- Explanation of how any students enrolled in the program will be helped to complete their program,
- Assessment of whether any faculty will be adversely affected by termination and
- Explanation of how affected individuals will be informed of the planned termination.
The Dean should be available to brief the Vice President for Academic Affairs and, in the case of the institution closing, the Accreditation Liaison Officer of the pending decision. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will work with the Dean to develop and coordinate presentations on the proposal to the President and the University Board of Directors.
The Dean and Chair shall work to develop a teach-out plan (See Appendix A, “Teach-Out Academic Plan”) and implement the notification elements of the plan for students and faculty. Appendix B provides a general summary used to brief faculty and students as “Sample Student and Faculty General Communication Summary.” Both current and prospective students should be notified as soon as practicable (See Appendix C and D for sample letters). The Dean is responsible for on-going monitoring and reporting on implementation of the teach-out plan. A monitoring report should be used to provide periodic reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs on the status of the teach-out. The monitoring report shall also be used to advise students of their progress in the teach-out. (See Appendix E, “Sample Program Monitoring Report.”)
The Institutional Administrative Committee shall review the initial proposal to terminate an educational program forwarded by a relevant Dean. The Faculty Committee appointed by the school or program will determine whether any faculty will be adversely affected by termination and act to implement provisions in the University Faculty Guidelines. The Institutional Administrative Committee shall notify the Vice President for Academic Affairs and help facilitate the Vice President for Academic Affairs presentation on the change to the President and the University Board of Directors.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs will ensure the proposal for termination is brought forward for discussion to the President. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will develop and coordinate the presentation on the proposal to the University Board of Directors and work with the relevant Dean to ensure all affected parties are notified on pending decision. The affected parties must include the faculty, students, and the Council of Deans. Once the President and the University Board of Directors have approved termination of the program, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will be updated periodically by the relevant Dean on the notification and approval process and will receive periodic updates from the relevant Dean on the implementation of the teach-out plan.
Affected Groups
- Prospective students with active applications awaiting admission decisions to a degree program should be immediately advised to seek alternative programs by the appropriate unit, generally the academic department or program. Prospective students should be given as much time as practicable to seek alternative opportunities. The academic department or program also should immediately suspend admission of new students.
- Prospective graduate students are those who have active applications awaiting admission decisions to an affected degree program. As soon as the decision to terminate is made, the appropriate unit, generally an academic department or program, should immediately suspend admission of new students and advise students who have already been admitted that they must complete the degree program within a teach-out period. The graduate degree must be completed within the teach-out period. Such students must meet the minimum credit hour requirements for the degree.
- Graduate students currently enrolled in a terminated degree program should be given an opportunity to complete their degree programs. Departments and programs should work with such students to develop a strategy for completion within the teach-out period. Programs should be as flexible as possible in facilitating and allowing currently enrolled graduate students to complete their degree program. Such students must meet the minimum credit hour requirements for the degree.
- Graduate students previously admitted into a terminated educational or degree program who are not currently enrolled shall have their requests for readmission made on a case-by-case basis. At a minimum, the decision to readmit shall consider the ability of the department or program to offer needed courses within the teach-out period and the student’s previous performance within the terminated educational program.
- Graduate students currently enrolled in a terminated certificate program should be given an opportunity to complete their certificate. Departments and programs should work with such students to develop a strategy for completion within the teach-out period. Students should expect to take enough courses each semester, including summers, to enable them to complete all requirements within the teach-out period. The teach-out period will continue for no more than two academic years following the date of which notice of termination is given to students. The teach-out period will vary by certificate program and must be determined by the department and college with approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The certificate must be completed within the teach-out period. Such students must meet the minimum credit hour requirements for the certificate.
Faculty should be involved in and informed of plans to terminate a degree or certificate program at the earliest possible stage of consideration. Faculty shall be informed of any potential layoff considerations covered by the University Faculty Handbook at the earliest possible stage of consideration and be kept apprised of recommendations forwarded to the University Board of Directors regarding plans to terminate a degree program or certificate program.
Appendixes A-E
A: Sample Teach-Out Academic Plan
Date of Program Termination:
Required Course During Teach Out - Fall 20xx - Spring 20xx
Course |
Fall 20xx |
Spring 20xx |
Fall 20xx |
Spring 20xx |
Sample required course 1 |
2 sections (Instructor 1 and TBA) |
1 section (Instructor 1) |
1 section (TBA) |
Not offered |
Sample required course 2 |
1 section (Instructor2) |
1-2 sections (Instructor2, Instructor3) |
1 section (Instructor2) |
1-2 sections (Instructor2, Instructor3) |
Sample required course 3 |
1 section (Instructor3) |
1 section (TBA) |
1 section (Instructor3) |
1 section (TBA) |
Sample required course 4 |
Another Course (Instructor4) |
Another Course (Instructor4) |
Another Course (Instructor4) |
Another Course (Instructor4) |
Sample required course 5 |
1 section (Instructor5) |
1 section (Instructor3) |
1 section (Instructor5) |
1 section (Instructor3) |
Sample required course 6 |
Not offered |
1 section (Instructor3) |
1 section (Instructor3) |
1 section (Instructor3) |
Thesis Project/Practicum (For graduating seniors) |
1 section (Instructor6) |
1 section (Instructor7) |
1 section (Instructor6) |
1 section (Instructor7) |
(Note: Parenthetical information indicates tentative faculty assignments as of March 20xx)
B: Sample Program Termination Student and Faculty General Communication Summary
Currently Enrolled Students
At the time the decision was made to terminate the sample program, 20 students were enrolled. An additional 12 were admitted, as planned, during spring 20xx. This admission brought the total number of students enrolled in the program to 32. 17 of those students are on track to graduate at the end of spring example year. As a result, 15 students are directly impacted by the decision. The Monitoring Report attached has the information on those students.
Each of those students was notified of the change and has been in for advising and conversations regarding their ability to complete the program. All the students are expected to complete the program no later than spring 20xx. Because the Department will continue to offer most courses traditionally required for the terminated degree program and is committed to completing these 15 students, no formal academic calendar was initially developed for these students. The department is contacting each of the students and asking them to come in to sign the letter below and to develop a formal academic calendar. These academic calendars will be kept on file by the departmental advisor and utilized to 1) advise the students each semester, 2) track the Teach-Out Plan and 3) prepare the monitoring report. It is anticipated that these sessions will be completed by April 20xx.
Not-Formally-Admitted (NFA) and Transfer Students
At the time the decision was made to terminate the program, 50 students were designated as NFA, in the sample program. These students have received the attached letter and were invited to meet with the departmental advisor to answer any questions. These students have been moved to the NFA in another sample program and are being advised on the application and admissions process of the other sample program.
Additionally, the Department has been in touch with Admission Committees regarding transfer students. Contact information for admitted students interested in the program to be terminated is to be sent to the department and the attached letter forwarded to them.
Overall Student Communications
The Department created a FAQ site to address students’ concerns. The site can be found at: For information purposes, all students in the Department were notified of the programmatic change.
The Department has been in touch with the Office of Student Affairs to make sure that the Program Guide and Academic Calendar were updated to indicate that the program was being terminated.
C: Sample Current Student Notification
Subject: Current Student Notification
As you know, the Department plans on merging the sample program into another program and implementing a new program. The faculty determined that the degree title did not accurately reflect the course offerings, a finding echoed during the recent reaccreditation findings. PHSU Board of Directors approved terminating the sample program on date certain. We regret it is therefore no longer possible to continue admitting students and offering this program in the future. The University is committed to enabling you and other students already in the program the opportunity to complete the program and obtain your PHSU degree. The program will have a teach-out period of two years, ending in Spring date certain, to enable you to complete the program requirements and graduate.
The teach-out will work as follows: The current program and all the courses will be offered until Spring date certain, at which time the degree will no longer be available. If you desire to earn this degree, it is your responsibility to complete the program in the time allotted. Ms. X, the Department Advisor, will assist you with identifying comparable programs to which you may wish to transfer, in the event you cannot complete the program at PHSU during the teach-out period. The Department has developed an FAQ resource regarding the program merger. It can be found at:
We ask that you work closely with staff, your advisor and program faculty to ensure you are aware of all program requirements and the availability of required courses. You will be provided with an academic plan that, if followed, will enable you to complete the degree plan within the teach-out period. The University wants to ensure that the time, effort, and resources you have already devoted to your PHSU education produce the results you want. We are committed to serving you and helping you complete your degree.
XXX, Dean
I have received and read the above letter.
D: Sample Not Formally Admitted and Transfer Student Notification Letter
Subject: Not Formally Admitted and Transfer Student Notification Letter
Dear Mr. x:
Thank you for your interest in our sample program at PHSU. We are very excited about some new opportunities and changes on our horizon, and we want to share our vision with you as you consider your decision to study at PHSU.
The Department is in the process of merging with the sample program. We will offer a PhD through another program, and we are now incorporating the new program into our course catalog, comprised of continuing and new courses.
[Explanation of why the change is being made and possibilities available for the student.]
If you have any questions about this transition, please contact our Office of Student Affairs or me. We will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Thank you and we look forward to an exciting new year!
XXXX Chair Department
Student # |
Student Name |
Number of programs SCH earned as of |
Program termination letters sent |
Signed response from students |
Academic Calendar provided to student |
Last semester of student’s enrollment |
Date student completed requirements or other actions regarding the student |
1. |
2. |
3. |
E: Sample Program Monitoring Report
College: |
Dean: |
Academic Degree Program: |
Degree Level of Program: |
Number of Students still Enrolled in Program: |
Total Credit Hours Required in Program: |
Date of this report: |
Individual Completing the Report: |