Feb 14, 2025
2023-2026 Academic Catalog
DPH 7015 - Biostatistics for Epidemiology The course covers the main biostatistics procedures used by epidemiologists as they apply to specific public health problems. Several topics in the biostatistics analysis of epidemiological data are included such as analysis of categorical data by using cross-tabulation, stratified analysis, multiple linear regression, logistic regression, survival curves and the Cox’s proportional hazards regression analysis. The identification and adjustment of confounding and how to handle and interpret interactions between variables by using multiple adjustment procedures are an integral part of this course. This class includes lectures and a large proportion of practical sessions such as in-class computer exercises and homework. The first part of the course includes a review of basic concepts of epidemiology and biostatistics to update and prepare students for the second part of the course that focuses on multivariate analysis.