Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2026 Academic Catalog 
2023-2026 Academic Catalog

Doctoral Degree in Public Health in Epidemiology (DrPH)

Location(s): Ponce Campus

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Program Description

The purpose of the Doctor of Public Health in Epidemiology (DrPH) is to educate professionals with knowledge, skills, and abilities in the development of epidemiological methodology applied to health needs including the identification of risk factors, clinical research, programs assessment, prevention, protection, and treatment of diseases. These professionals will contribute to the enhancement of public health through analyses and reformulation of laws that impact health on the local, state, and federal levels.

The DrPH is awarded after the successful completion of an interdisciplinary 63-credits curriculum. Students take a comprehensive test at the end of the 2nd year after completing their class work. Original research of a significant contribution to scientific knowledge or epidemiological application in a particular health field must be completed during the final years of the Program.

Program Goals

The Public Health Program Goals are:

Goal 1: Provide research experiences based in public health ethical standards that address the personal and social determinants of health with the purpose of developing and building healthy communities.

Goal 2: Create an academic environment in which students are supported as they attain the knowledge, skills, and competencies of the public health profession.

Goal 3: Encourage and promote public health education within the framework of ethical, social, justice, and professional standards.

Goal 4: Engage with communities, government, and private sectors to reduce social inequities through health promotion and diseases prevention programs.

Admissions Requirements for the Doctoral Degree in Public Health (DrPH) in Epidemiology

  1. Present evidence of the successful completion of a master’s degree in an institution accredited by Postsecondary Institutions of Puerto Rico by a US Department of Education recognized accrediting organization. International students must provide evidence of a corresponding master’s degree from an institution accredited by their countries’ accrediting organization(s).
  2. If the master’s degree is not in public health, such as a master’s degree in education, nursing, biology or others, the student must enroll in 24 credits of MPH pre- requisite courses. The pre- requisite courses can be taken in our Institution or another Public Health School or Program. MPH pre- requisite courses are the following:
  3. Have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).
  4. Submit the following documents:
    1. Official transcript from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended, with degree conferred.
    2. Curriculum Vitae
    3. Personal Statement: Why do you want to continue your studies with a degree in public health?
    4. Experience: Volunteer/ Shadowing/ Research/ Publications/ Previous Work
    5. Attend a personal interview, which includes verification of Spanish and English fluency.
    6. One letter of recommendation: This letter of recommendation should provide input from people in responsible positions who can comment on your academic, employment or volunteer performance, character, and interest. Certificate of No Penal Record (Criminal Background Check)
  5. Application fee, non-refundable

Upon acceptance, all students are required to submit the following:

  • Written confirmation of acceptance
  • Deposit of $100.00 to secure your seat in the entering class.

Other documents will be notified as pertinent.

Application Process

The Application for Admission to the DrPH in Epidemiology must be submitted in PHSU’s Web Page.

*Deadline to submit a complete application - May 30*

Graduation Requirements

Course Requirement

Students must complete all courses within the established time frame. The Program requires a minimum of credits according to the DrPH’s curriculum.

Performance Requirement

  1. A student must complete each academic year with a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Any student failing to meet a 3.00-point GPA standard of performance or failing on any course will be placed on probation and referred to the Student Promotion Committee.
  2. Require courses:
    • A student that failed (obtaining less than B) at any Required course at the end of any quarters: • Will be referred by the PHP Track Coordinator for the following classification and/or remedial actions below:  Repeat the course when available (only one opportunity will be provided), this is mandatory and not replaceable.
    • Should obtain A or B when repeated.
  3. Elective courses:
    A student that failed (obtaining less than C) at any Elective course at the end of any quarters: o Will be referred by the PHP Track Coordinator for the following classification and/or remedial actions below: ü Repeat the course when available (only one opportunity will be provided). (This is mandatory and not replaceable) ü Only a maximum of 1 elective course could be repeated. ü Should obtain A or B when repeated.

Comprehensive Examination

Comprehensive Examination must be taken upon completion of the second academic year. All students are required to take and pass the overall Comprehensive Examination with a grade of 80%. Students who pass the overall examination and who complete all DrPH requirements can graduate. Students who do not pass the first opportunity of the Comprehensive Examination have the opportunity for one retake, within the same quarter. This retake may contain different questions than the first Comprehensive Examination. Any student failing to meet this standard of performance will be referred to the Student Promotion Committee.

Doctoral Dissertation Requirement

A Doctoral Dissertation according to the established guidelines with a research proposal defense and Oral Dissertation Defense is required to obtain the Degree of Doctor in Public Health with specialty in epidemiology. All students are required to develop and defend a dissertation to graduate. Students will enroll in a dissertation after approving comprehensive examinations which usually occurs at the beginning of their third year.

Professional Behavior Requirement

Students must conduct themselves in accordance with the norms for professional conduct set forth by Ponce Health Sciences University.

Grading System

All courses and grades obtained will appear on the student’s academic record, including elective courses taken at other institutions.

All departments establish evaluation criteria for the successful completion of courses taught by the department. These criteria are made available to the students at the beginning of the course. It indicates the number of examinations, quizzes, laboratory exercises, grading procedures, and practical tests with their weight. The grading system for graduate students is as follows:

Letter Grade
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D Below 70
E Extended
I Incomplete
IP In Progress
P Pass
NP Not Pass
W Withdrawal
AW Administrative Withdrawal

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) has been established to ensure that the Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH) students complete the academic program within the acceptable time frame and with the expected quality of performance. This policy also ensures that the student financial aid requirements set forth by federal regulations have been met.

The coordinators should evaluate a student’s academic progress at the end of each quarter. This document will be revised when the institutional catalog its updated, or before that if necessary.


This policy applies to all DrPH students enrolled at Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU).

General Requirements

  1. Time Frame for Completion of the Academic Program

    A student will have a time frame for completion of the DrPH degree of five (5) years. In some cases, after the academic advising of the track coordinator and authorization of the Public Health Program Associate Dean, the student will be allowed to enroll for another three (3) years beyond the established time frame, for a total maximum time frame of eight (8) years.

    The total of 63 credits for completion of a degree include those graduate courses accredited on admission to the Program.

    Student Status (Full time, Part time)

    Student Status (full-time or half-time). A student with six or more credits per semester/quarters will be considered a full-time student. A student with three to five credits per semester/quarters will be considered a half-time student and a student with less 3 credits will be considered a less than half time student” (Ponce Health Sciences University Student Policy Manual 2018-2020, (p. 75) & PHSU Catalog 2017-2020, (p. 13)). A student should be enrolled to at least 3 credits to be eligible for financial aid.
  2. Completion of the Dr.PH Requirements
    1. DrPH Students Progress and Grade Requirements:

      Students must complete all courses within the established time frame (maximum of 8 years). The Program requires a minimum of 63 credits.
      1. At the Student Promotion Committee (SPC) level:
        • A student must complete each academic year with a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (in a 4.0 scale grade). Any student failing to meet 3.00-point GPA standard of performance at the end of the academic year will be:
          • Referred by the Public Health Program (PHP) Associate Dean to the SPC for the following classification and/or remedial actions below:
            • Placed on probation and referred by the PHP Associate Dean to the PHSU Student Promotion Committee (PHSU-SPC).
            • Will be sent to academic counseling by the track coordinator and could be provided with a special enrollment with a decreased academic load,
              • Failing to the remedial actions consecutively at the SPC level, he/she will be referred by the PHP Associate Dean to the SPC for his/her dismissal.
      2. At the Public Health Program (PHP) level:
        1. Required Courses:
          • A student that failed (obtaining less than B) at any Required course at the end of any quarters:
            • Will be referred by the PHP Track Coordinator for the following classification and/or remedial actions below:
              • Repeat the course when available (only one opportunity will be provided), this is mandatory and not replaceable.
              • Should obtain A or B when repeated.
              • Will be sent to academic counseling by the track coordinator and could be provided with a special enrollment with a decreased academic load.
                • Failing to the remedial actions consecutively at the SPC level, he/she will be referred by the PHP Associate Dean to the SPC for his/her dismissal.
        2. Elective Courses:
          • A student that failed (obtaining less than C) at any Elective course at the end of any quarters:
            • Will be referred by the PHP Track Coordinator for the following classification and/or remedial actions below:
              • Repeat the course when available (only one opportunity will be provided). (This is mandatory and not replaceable)
              • Only a maximum of 1 elective course could be repeated.
              • Should obtain A or B when repeated.
              • Will be sent to academic counseling by the track coordinator and could be provided with a special enrollment with a decreased academic load.
                • Failing to the remedial actions consecutively at the SPC level, he/she will be referred by the PHP Associate Dean to the SPC for his/her dismissal.


  1. Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) Grading Requirement

    The Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) is graded on a Pass/Fail basis, and it is constituted by two requirements: to pass a comprehensive examination at their 2nd year, and to defend and approve a dissertation.
    1. Comprehensive Examination

      All students are required to take and pass the overall Comprehensive Examination with a grade of 80%. Students who pass the overall examination and who complete all DrPH requirements can graduate. Students who do not pass the first opportunity of the Comprehensive Examination have the opportunity for one retake, preferably within the same quarters but up to one academic year. This retake may contain different questions than the first Comprehensive Examination. Waiting for the retake longer than one quarter will delay the enrollment to DPH 8005 (dissertation).

      Students who are not successful on either the first attempt or the retake within the same quarters will need to enroll, when available, at the course(s) were the student failed the competencies. Students who failed these repeated courses will be referred to the Student Promotions Committee for dismissal. Please refer to DrPH-Epidemiology ILE Manual for details.
    2. Dissertation

      All students are required to develop and defend a dissertation to graduate. Students will enroll in a dissertation after approving comprehensive examinations which usually occurs at the beginning of their third year. The dissertation process and actions that should be expected to happen during dissertation to be qualified as In-Progress or Pass are available at the following table:

Stages Doctoral Dissertation

Phase No.1 - 3rd year (1st quarters)

  • Dissertation Director Assigned
    • Search for the dissertation topic
  • Compulsory attendance to workshops:
    • Workshop: “Overcoming Obstacles to be Successful in my Doctoral Thesis” (“Superando obstáculos para tener éxito en mi tesis doctoral”)
    • Worshop: Dissertation Manual
    • Workshop: Reference search and bibliography at PHSU library database.
    • Workshop: APA Style references.
    • Workshop: Endnote.
    • Workshop: Plagiarism
    • Workshop: IRB. Provide evidence of having obtained CITI certifications.
    • Development and approval of “Prospectus” (“Prospecto”’)
    • Dissertation Committee Formation
    • Sign Release of Responsibility in case of non-approval of the Dissertation Defense form (Hoja de Relevo de Responsabilidad ante la No Aprobación de Defensa de Disertación -

Phase No.2 - 3rd year (2nd quarters)

  • Development of the Dissertation Proposal
    • Justification
    • Literature Review
    • Methodology
    • Bibliography (100 or more)

Phase No.3 - 3rd year, (3rd quaters)

  • Development of Dissertation Proposal
    • Justification
    • Literature Review
    • Methodology
    • Bibliography (100 or more

Phase No.4 - 4th year (1st quarters)

  • Turning in documents of dissertation proposal defense two weeks before the established date
  • Dissertation Proposal Defense
  • Incorporation of Recommendations
  • Turning in documents to IRB

Phase No. 5 - 4th year (2nd quarters)

  • Data Gathering
  • Creation and/or management of Data banks

Phase No. 6 - 4th year (3rd quarters)

  • Data Gathering
  • Creation and/or management of Data banks

Phase No.7 - 5th year (1st quarters)

  • Data Analysis
  • Interpretation of Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions

Phase No.8 - 5th year (2nd quarters)

  • Turning in doctoral thesis defense documents two weeks before the established date
  • Sign the Release of Responsibility upon the Non-Approval of Dissertation Form (Hoja de Relevo de Responsabilidad ante la No Aprobación de Defensa de Disertación
  • Doctoral Thesis (DISSERTATION?) Defense

Phase No.9 - 5th year (3rd quarters)

  • Turning in bound manuscript
  • Present evidence of an article submits to peer-reviewed and indexed journal.

Applied Practical Experience (APE) Grading Requirement

To graduate, the student must complete an Applied Practical Experience (APE) course, DPH 7082.

Regardless of the amount or level of prior experience, all DrPH students engage in one or more applied practice experiences in which students are responsible for completion of at least one project that is meaningful for an organization and to advanced public health practice. The meaningful project(s) may be completed as a discrete experience (such as a practicum or internship), qualified workplace activities or integrated into program coursework.

  1. The grading for the DPH 7082 (APE) is Pass (P) or Fail (F). Obtaining an F at DPH 7082 (APE) will require you to repeat and/or retake the course(s) when available.
  2. If the student fails again to Pass the course, he/she will be referred to the PHSU SPC.
  3. The DPH 7082 course-passing grade is independent of the 3.00 GPA average criteria.
  4. An “I” (Incomplete) Grade will only be allowed under very special circumstances as determined by the professor. The student must remove the “I” (Incomplete) by the following quarter or it will be replaced by the grade of “F”. The “I” (Incomplete) grades are part of the academic record as are the final grades.

Professional Behavior Requirement

The students should conduct themselves in accordance with the norms for professional conduct always set forth by the Ponce Health Science University. In case of unacceptable professional behavior, the corresponding Dean or the Program Chairperson will refer the case to the Promotions Committee. If the recommendation of the Student Promotion Committee is to dismiss the student, the student has the right to follow the appeal process.

In their pursuit for academic, personal, and professional excellence, students at the Ponce Health Sciences University have adopted this Honor Code. The principles of this Honor Code are intended to aid students in maintaining a high level of ethical conduct in concordance with the educational philosophy of our institution. These are standards to enable students to determine the propriety of their conduct in relation to peers, members of the faculty, administration, and patients.


  • Students have the responsibility to uphold and maintain the highest degree of personal and professional integrity.
  • Students are encouraged to seek appropriate counsel if deemed necessary.
  • Ethical growth should coincide with academic growth among the student body.
  • To evidence the need to combine personal honor with communal responsibility the following precepts are specifically, but not exclusively, expected to guide the conduct of each member of the Ponce Health Science University student body:
  • Each student must work independently and honestly on all examinations.
  • Plagiarism is considered a major ethical offense and subject to reprimands and referrals to corresponding committees.
  • Each student will be trustful and dutiful in carrying out clinical and academic responsibilities.

The success of the Honor Code depends on the personal integrity, mutual trust, and cooperation of all members of the Ponce Health Sciences University community: students, faculty, and administration.

Commitment to Public Health Philosophy

It is expected that every student be committed to the betterment of our fellow human beings as exposed by the philosophy that governs the Public Health Profession.

Academic Probation and Financial Aid Eligibility

Any student failing to meet the grade requirement might be placed on academic probation for one trimester but will be eligible for financial aid. Students that fail to comply with grade requirements after the prescribed probation time will be referred to the Student Promotion Committee for dismissal from the program.

Appeal Process for Academic and Financial Aid Probation

Academic Issues

Students referred to the PHSU Student Promotion Committee (SPC) will have the opportunity to send a letter to be considered at the meeting with information and details related to this referral. The student also could request to have audience at the meeting with the PHSU-SPC for explaining his/her case.

Students notified that the PHSU Students Promotion Committee (SPC) decided to dismiss them from the DrPH Program, or that he/she must repeat failed courses during the next academic year, will have the right to appeal the decision within seven (7) working days after receiving the notification.

The appeal or due process presented below must be followed.

The student will appeal in writing to the Students Promotion Committee (SPC). The letter should include all relevant documentation to support the request. The Committee will evaluate the reasons and evidence submitted to determine if they would change their initial decision. The SPC has 48 hours to submit its decision to the Associate Dean for Public Health, who will notify the decision to the student.

If an Ad-Hoc Committee is appointed, they will notify the student in writing of the date and time set for the appealing meeting. The Ad-Hoc Committee has forty-eight (48) hours to submit a recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee. The Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee will consider the Ad-Hoc Committee recommendation and make the final decision within forty-eight (48) hours.

Any decision will be reported to the student in writing. The decision made by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee is final.

Unacceptable Professional Behavior

The Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee or the Vice President for Student Affairs will refer the case to the PHSU SPC. If the recommendation of the SPC is to dismiss the student, the appeal process will include the appointment of an Ad Hoc committee to sustain or change the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee or the Vice President for Student Affairs decision. After this institutional instance, the student may appeal again to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic Affairs decision is final.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid

Financial Aid eligibility is contingent upon satisfactory academic progress. It is the student’s responsibility to request reinstatement of financial aid.

Leave of Absence Policy (LOA)

A student must request from the Registrar’s office an LOA at least 30 days prior to the LOA commencement date, unless medical circumstances require immediate authorization (e.g., automobile accident). Personal or medical leave may be authorized when a student is experiencing compelling personal and medical circumstances that are temporarily affecting his/her academic progress. The students must submit a physician’s note certifying the medical problem or reason. The total time of leave cannot exceed 180 days within a 12-month period. A student who fails to return after an authorized LOA will be academically withdrawn and an R2T4 calculation will be performed and subsequently an exit counseling instructional letter will be sent to the student.

Withdrawal Policy

A student that decides to withdraw from the School must submit a letter of resignation to the President stating their reasons for the withdrawal. Once the Dean has accepted the letter of resignation, the student shall proceed as follows:

  1. The student must obtain a withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office and fill out the required information about academic program and courses.
  2. The student must obtain clearance for withdrawal from the following:
    1. Library: The Librarian must certify that the student does not have any outstanding debt or have any library materials checked out.
    2. Finance Office: Must state that the student has no outstanding debts to the School before any other further step is taken.
    3. Financial Aid Office: Students who have applied for or obtained any kind of financial aid or loan through the School, must attend an exit interview and obtain the signature of the Director of Financial Aid.
    4. Student Affairs or any other department prescribed at the Clearance form: Students must obtain the signature of each Director or Dean.
    5. Registrar: After all signatures have been obtained, the Registrar will certify the student’s withdrawal and make the proper entry in their records.
    6. The student must settle all financial obligations with PHSU, or no transcripts or certifications will be issued.
    7. The withdrawal is allowed until the last day of class (semester/quarters), before starting the final exams.


The President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Registrar and the Financial Aid Associate Director will receive all pertinent data to ensure proper enforcement of the policies set forth.

Tuition and Fees

For more details of PHSU tuition and fees please refer to: Tuition and Fees 2024-2025.pdf


*Ponce Health Sciences University reserves the right to increase the tuition or other fees as deemed necessary.

MPH Pre- Requisite Courses


No.1 DRPH Epidemiology Curriculum

This curriculum applies to those students who come from a School or Public Health Program accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). TOTAL DRPH CREDITS is 63 credits.

If the student comes from a School or Public Health Program not accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) they will have to take the prerequisite course of MPH 5101 - Fundamentals of Public Health  (3 credits). TOTAL DRPH CREDITS is 63 credits plus 3 credits of prerequisite course. This course can be taken in our institution or in another School or Public Health Program accredited by CEPH.

DrPH 1st Year

DrPH 2nd Year

1st Trimester (9 Credits)

3rd Trimester (6 Credits)

  • Elective (3 Credits)
  • Elective (3 Credits)
2nd Year Total Credits: 24 Credits

52 Total Credits After 2nd Year of Enrollment

Applied Practice Experience (Summer Session)

  • DPH 7082 - Consulting Practicum
Subtotal: 54

Integrative Learning Experience (ILE)

  • COMPREHENSIVE EXAM (During 2nd Year- Between 2nd and 3rd Trimester) (0 Credits)

Total DRPH Credits: 63

Required 46
Electives 6

No. 2 DrPh Epidemiology Curriculum

This curriculum applies to those students who their master’s degree is not in public health such as a master’s degree in education, nursing, biology, or others. The student must enroll in 24 credits of MPH pre- requisite courses. The pre- requisite courses can be taken in our Institution or another Public Health School or Program.

Once the student has completed and approved the 24 credits of the MPH Pre - Requisites, the student will proceed to take the 63 credits of the DrPH Curriculum in Epidemiology. Upon completion of their doctoral studies, the student will have a total of 87 credits.

DrPH Curriculum

DrPH 1st Year

DrPH 2nd Year

1st Trimester (9 Credits)

3rd Trimester (9 Credits)

  • Elective (3 Credits)
  • Elective (3 Credits)

2nd Year Total Credits: 24 Credits

52 Total Credits After 2nd Year of Enrollment

Applied Practice Experience (Summer Session)

  • DPH 7082 - Consulting Practicum

Subtotal: 54

Integrative Learning Experience (ILE)

  • COMPREHENSIVE EXAM (During 2nd Year- Between 2nd and 3rd Trimester) (0 Credits)

MPH Pre-Requisites Courses

  • MPH Pre-Requisites (24 Credits)

DrPH Credits

Required 46
Electives 6

Total DRPH Credits: 63

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